Dr. Carol Perlman
Psychologist & Habit Coach
Welcome to the Healthy 4 Life Community!
Whether you are trying to lose weight or manage and prevent illness through nutrition and fitness, or simply feel your best and live your best life, I’m here to share all my top strategies with you.
I’m Dr. Carol Perlman.
I’m a psychologist, habit coach, and married mom of 2 boys who went from a frazzled mompreneur (who hit snooze until the last possible moment) to a vibrant business owner who jumps out of bed at 6 am, excited about my day.
I became super intentional about how I use my time and massively increased my productivity by learning how to work SMARTER not HARDER. I developed a consistent exercise routine and dramatically changed my eating habits to align with my health and weight loss goals.
This all became possible when I started studying how successful people create health habits, a positive mindset and effective time management strategies. I share what I have discovered works in my own health journey, as well as the strategies I’ve been teaching my clients.

Podcast is live!
Tune in each week as I share my best strategies for creating and sustaining daily habits for a healthy lifestyle. I’ll be chatting with other experts in the health and wellness industry, sharing their best tips as well. You’re going to love these conversations!
Sign up to be notified as new episodes are available.
How Can I Help You?
If you are serious about reaching your goals, one of the greatest steps you can take is to create a professional team to guide you. Your investment will pay off immeasurably. Sometimes we need input from an outsider who isn’t blinded by the emotions and thoughts we experience from within. It is not a sign of weakness. In fact, this is one of the top secrets of highly successful people: they hire coaches to assist them with their most important tasks and goals.
As a coach I don’t write nutrition and fitness plans. I leave that to the experts – the certified nutritionists and personal trainers. I step in and teach you the HOW. HOW do you actually follow these plans and reach your goals. If you would like to inquire about working with me, complete the form below to set up a free 30-minute consultation call.
Programs and Tools for Success
In order to succeed and reach your goals, you need to make sure you have the proper tools! Professional golfers wouldn’t show up on the golf course with plastic golf clubs, and Olympic athletes wouldn’t guess what the best training strategy is; they obtain a plan. You want to make sure you have a professionally devised PLAN that will set you up for success. Over the years I’ve tried numerous plans for weight loss and fitness, and these are the ones that I found to be superior and finally help me see success. Because they have been life changing for me, I of course want to share them with anyone who is also struggling and wants to reach their goals. I am affiliated with the company behind them and am familiar with the developers so I know that they hold the highest standards for their products. Whether you follow a different program or want to use one below, I can teach you HOW to implement all the daily steps so you reach your goals.

Shakeology Shop
A nutrition supplement shake that supports your health.
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2B Mindset Kit
A video based nutrition course that teaches you what to eat when and how to create a positive mindset.
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Beachbody On Demand®
Beachbody On Demand® has a fitness program that can help you achieve any goal.
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Ultimate Reset Complete Kit
In just 3 weeks, the Beachbody Ultimate Reset will help gently cleanse your system.
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Gear & Accessories
To help you meet your fitness goals.
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Nutrition Supplements
Premium workout supplements made for premium results.
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My Favorite Products
Please note these are affiliate links and I receive a small commission for referrals.

Proven Skin Care Products
Save $50 off your first order.
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Dazzle Dry Nail Polish
Save 20% on your first order.
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Natural Life Products
Save 20% on your first order.
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Erin Condren Notebooks and Planners
Get $10 off your first purchase.
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Five Year Journal
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The Happiness Advantage
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Mastering Your Adult ADHD
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Healthy 4 Life Blog
How to Shed the “Snooze Til the Last Possible Moment” Identity
Yes, you can do it!
Recommended Books
Books that will change your life!
Welcome to my blog!
An introduction to Dr. Carol Perlman and her work
How to Thrive During the Empty Nest Phase of Life
Tips for thriving during the empty nest phase of life
Staying on Track and Productive During Your Job Search
Concrete tips to implement today!
The Magic of Finishing
Change how you approach daily tasks
Dr. Carol Perlman
I established Healthy4LifebyCarolPerlman in 2014, because I wanted to help clients lose weight, improve their health, and make lifestyle changes to better manage medical problems.
It is not always easy to make these changes, yet it IS possible with the right tools and support.
I teach people HOW to create healthy habits and follow lifestyle programs developed by experts.
I have a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology and have owned a private practice since 2005. I consult to organizations, teaching teams time management programs.

Frequently Asked Questions
There are so many health coaches these days. How are you unique?
I am a doctoral-level psychologist with over twenty-five years of practice in the field. I currently work in a hospital setting and maintain a private practice specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT. CBT is a skills-based approach and is considered to be paramount in the field of psychology for its ability to effect powerful change. Since my early days in graduate school, my professional passion has been studying the connections between lifestyle behaviors and well-being and I have done extensive research in this area (my doctoral dissertation on the connection between life events, sleep, and episodes of mania and depression is available for your reading pleasure ☺). As a clinician, I have helped thousands of clients better understand their thoughts and feelings, empowering them to create changes that ultimately lead to symptom reduction and greater happiness.
I established Healthy 4 Life by Carol Perlman in 2014 to help people in a coaching capacity. I wanted to work with women who were struggling to reestablish their health and body after having children as well as men and women who were experiencing changes in their body due to age and wanted to prevent disease progression. Rather than focus on psychological disorders, I wanted to help others improve their life by teaching them to change their lifestyle habits around nutrition, fitness, and time management. In the coaching environment, you and I are peers. I am able to draw upon my past experiences, struggles and victories to empower, inspire, and guide you to change your health habits and improve the quality of day to day life.
How much does your coaching service cost? What’s the process like?
It all depends. I offer different services and packages.
You and I will begin by connecting over a conversation. We will talk about your struggles and goals and individual needs for change. Then, together, you and I will develop a custom game plan to ensure your success. Options may include:
- Beachbody on Demand, an at-home exercise option with thousands of workout videos available at your fingertips. From yoga to cardio to weight lifting and everything in between, there are endless options. You can follow a program start to finish or select a program based on your daily need.
- Video-based nutrition courses. Here, you’ll learn WHAT to eat WHEN, how to create meals that will bring you closer to your health goals whether you are home, on vacation, or out to eat, and how to create a positive mindset… the KEY to your success.
- Supplements to maximize your nutrition or make up for deficits in your diet.
- Short- term cleanse programs to get a jump start on your goals.
I customize every recommendation to YOUR needs and goals.
I am by your side 100% of the way- from the onset and through maintenance. I support you via regular texts, emails, and phone calls. My preferred method is to lace up our sneakers and walk during a coaching conversation. I am NOT the person who signs up
a client and then disappears. We will stay connected every single day if you choose.
What is your private Facebook community about?
All of my health and wellness clients are invited to join my private health accountability group. It is a community of wonderful and supportive men and women all working on their own health journeys. We support and cheer one another on, share recipes, strategies, and solve problems.
Do you have a vacation coming up and want some help creating an activity plan or a strategy for staying on track at restaurants?
Are you bored with your meals and looking for recipe ideas?
If you share in the group, you will be flooded with helpful suggestions. You are never alone in your journey.
Many in this group developed new friendships maintained outside of the group. If you are looking for other like-minded men and women, you can find them here.
How long do people work with you typically?
Everyone’s timeline is different, depending on their goals! Some clients work with me intensively for a month, and some have been with me for years. In my opinion, there are always goals to work on and we can always continue to work towards better health and happiness; it’s a life – long journey. There is no obligation to work with me for a prescribed period.
Is coaching the same as therapy?
No. Several distinct parameters define therapy. Typically, people in therapy seek treatment for certain symptoms or difficulties detracting from their quality of life. To provide appropriate treatment, a clinician conducts a thorough interview and provides a diagnosis to explain the symptoms. Treatment methods are determined by the research relevant to that diagnosis. There are definite boundaries to the therapist/patient relationship, and the work focuses solely on the patient’s experiences and struggles.
Coaching, however, is decidedly different. A client hires a coach to help with a self-identified problem in their life. The interactions are more educational and motivational in nature. The relationship can be more two-sided, allowing the coach to draw upon her own experiences if they are relevant and help the client create future change. Coaching is not geared towards treating a particular diagnosis.
For more information, read this article.